Instructables: 3D Print a Contemporary Vajra

We chose a vajra, an ancient symbolic instrument, which in Sanskrit means lighting (irresistible force) and diamond (indestructability).

We chose a vajra, an ancient symbolic instrument, which in Sanskrit means lighting (irresistible force) and diamond (indestructability).

In the tantric traditions of Buddhism, the vajra is a symbol for the nature of reality indicating endless creativity, potency, and skillful activity. It became part of the process of "sacramentalizing" the activities of the spiritual practitioner and encouraged him to engage all his psychophysical energies in the spiritual life.

An instrument symbolizing vajra is also extensively used in the rituals of the tantra. It consists of a spherical central section, with two symmetrical sets of five prongs, which arc out from lotus blooms on either side of the sphere and come to a point at two points equidistant from the centre, thus giving it the appearance of a "diamond sceptre."

Follow our step-by-step tutorial on to create a 3D render of a simple, elegant object that provides the basics for learning Rhino software.  

You can also find our finished product on Shapeways:

Vajra by Aminimal Studio in stainless steel 

Vajra by Aminimal Studio in stainless steel